
cartoon school bus full of kids
Something about Me
Allow me to introduce myself. I am an elementary education student at the University of South Alabama. My name is Hannah Callais. My blog is about general thoughts and ideas on teaching. I am just now starting to observe in schools so any thoughts or criticism would be helpful. Don't be afraid to comment on any of my blogs to correct or point an angle I didn't see.
Thanks for all your help!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Parent Involvement

Send letter/e-mail to encourage parent class room volunteers
ask them to volunteer for a certain subject (give class schedule)
send letter every so often to remind them the offer still stands

Be careful of parents volunteering so they can tutor their own kid
try to give parents the "fun" activities or tasks suited to their comfort level
remember to thank and give appreciation

Field trip volunteers
make sure to start give out letters a month in advance
send letters every week until slots are filled to remind them
make sure parents are aware of their responsibilities
remember to thank and give appreciation

Event volunteers
always give a month or a few weeks advanced notice
For bake sales or "food" events sent home a volunteer slip with options to bring, have parent fill out and student bring back
Give parents a list of the years events at beginning of the year, and have them sign up then (E mail or send letter home to remind them a few weeks before event.
Always send letter home or email to ask for volunteers a few weeks before an event.

send biweekly progress report home with e-mail to keep open communication
try experimenting with a parent/teacher web site
Let parents know that you can schedule meetings after 5:00pm to accommodate work.
Give assignments that require parent involvement or signature

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