
cartoon school bus full of kids
Something about Me
Allow me to introduce myself. I am an elementary education student at the University of South Alabama. My name is Hannah Callais. My blog is about general thoughts and ideas on teaching. I am just now starting to observe in schools so any thoughts or criticism would be helpful. Don't be afraid to comment on any of my blogs to correct or point an angle I didn't see.
Thanks for all your help!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Teacher Time

Teacher Time is an idea I had to help deal with all the other noneducational issues that are found in schools. Issues like tattling, cheating bullying, and so forth.
What my idea entails is that thirty minutes are set aside at the end of the day once a week to teach about these issues and to address what's going on in class.

I think that if the non-educational issues are discussed then it will make the rest of the week go smoothly. It also gives the chance for a student to give their opinion and to understand what's going on in the classroom, which I am lead to believe rarely happens. Students at the elementary level are a handful but they seem to require so little to make them feel good about going to school. Just letting them know that you understand what's going on in the class makes a difference to them.

It also helps them understand appropriate and inappropriate behavior. For example "what is the difference between telling and tattling?" Young students have trouble telling the difference.

Teacher Time Topics
Time at the end of the day were I can discuss other issues that go on
How To Handle Anger
Internet Safety
How to behave for a substitute
Problem solving
Cooperation/team work
Review Classroom Procedures
Medication At School

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